Global Missions exists to take the “whole gospel to the whole world, by the whole church.” Our mission is that every tribe and nation will know the name of Jesus.

The church lifts people, and therefore lifts our communities. Here are a few ministries from North American Missions that help plant, grow, and multiply the church.

The umbrella of Multicultural Ministries encompasses twenty-one focused ministries, each dedicated to effective strategies for evangelism, discipleship, and training to help reach the many cultural groups of North America.

The United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) is a Oneness Pentecostal organization with churches, ministers, and members across the globe.
Our Mission
To every tribe and nation Jesus. Send the message. Train messengers. Produce self supporting, self propagating, self governing churches. Establish fellowship in truth and holiness.

Locate a UPCI Church in your Native Country.

David K. Bernard
UPCI General

Adam Hunley
General Director of
UPCI Global Missions

Adam Hunley
General Director of
UPCI Global Missions
Scott Sistrunk
Director of UPCI
North American Missions
Brocc Chavis
UPCI Multicultural
Ministries Director
Relocating Minister Proceedure
If you are a minister of a country moving to another country you need to follow this protocol:
Testimonial An Iranian Islam family
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